Sunday, 31 December 2017

Internet and Networking Abbreviation

Important Internet and Networking  Abbreviation

Here are some most important Internet and Networking Abbreviation.
  1. FTP(File Transfer Protocol)
  2. HTTP(Hyper Text Transfer Protocol)
  3. IP(Internet Protocol)
  4. SMTP(Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)
  5. IMCP(Internet Message control Protocol)
  6. ARP(Address Resolution Protocol)
  7. ATM(Asynchronous Transmission Mode)
  8. ACL(Access Control List)
  9. ACK(Acknowledgment)
  10. CRT(Cathod Ray Tube)

Output Device

Output Device

Definition: An output device used to display processed data from Computer.CUP processes the given input data then it forwarded to Output devices to the user.Some common output devices are:-
  1. Monitor
  1. (CRT)Cathode Ray Tube
  1. (LED)Light Emitting Diode
  1. (LCD)Liquid Crystal Display
  1. Printer
  1. Plotter

Input Device

Input Device

An Input device is used to enter data into Computer for Processing purpose with the help of Input device.

Most common Input devices are
  1. Mouse
  2. Keyboard
  3. Joystick
  4. Scanner

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